Sketch Friday 12th November 2021
Why do people get dogs?
We got a puppy. His name is Tucker. We’ve wanted a puppy for a long time. And now he’s here.
It’s intense.
He is adorable. I loved him profoundly from the moment I picked him up.
Why do people get dogs though?
He is absolutely in the moment. In his moment. He sucks everyone into his moment. You can not have a moment of your own with a puppy of 8 1/2 weeks of age. I’m learning this.
Is it because dogs console us?
Are they for emotionally weak and unfulfilled people?
Do they remind us of our childhood, of our better selves?
Do they help us forget our less than likeable bits?
Will they help with exercise, with getting out and about to meet people, to face the world, to do things?
Are they just a lovely addition to a family?
Tucker has been with us for 7 days. He’s already learnt his name. He is smart and cute and fast. His favourite hobby is eating his own poo in the garden. He also enjoys eating Lara Darling the cat’s poo. Lara Darling is not happy about Tucker. She has no opinion about his poo eating. She just thinks he’s an asshole. I had hopes they would be best friends by now. I am clearly a fucking fantasist.
Do dogs speak to a deep subconscious need for community, certainty, routine and anchoring?
Do we just want them because they’re well cute?
Is it because people like dressing up dogs in festive costumes at halloween and Easter and Christmas?
I suspect all of the answers above were factors in us wanting Tucker. Apart from the dressing him up bit. I personally find dogs in costumes really weird. Offensive. Like it’s insulting. To the dog. Unless it’s functional. Practical clothing is ok, obviously. Useful clothes for dogs are entirely appropriate. Ruffty tufty clothes are awesome. I mean check out this super cool Float Coat Dog Life Jacket We live near a canal. You bet Tucker’s getting one of these sweet, sweet jackets. One day. For an adventure.
An adventure.
Tucker is a new adventure. He is the beginning of a new chapter. He is the bringer of change and chaos and sweet puppy kisses.
Welcome Tucker.