Signs of Spring
Sketch a day - Day 60/365
We tookTucker to the park today to play ball. As we arrived I saw a patch of crocuses under tress. Newly emerged. Amazingly untrampled. And I felt a deep gladness. Later I wondered why? These are not my favourite flowers. I mean, I don't hate them, but I don't love them much either. I think, on reflection, that the feeling of thanks I had when I saw them was a kind of relief and reminder that there are still good, familiar things happening, when the world feels so topsy turvy. Nature is still doing its damnedest to turn up.
Thanks Crocuses.
I am enjoying these inky, quick , splashy drawings that seem to be emerging at the moment. I sometimes get very caught up in slow detail, but I like my drawings best when they are quick and not worried about.
In general, less worry is good.
And that's the news.