#sketchaday #day10/365
I had a zoom call with Kathleen from Odd Doll this morning, about the R&D project ‘Blink’ we are working on (which is exciting/ambitious/wild/brain melting - there's sure to be more about this as I go along). At the end I asked her if I could take a photo of her, to do my sketchaday drawing from today.
Kathleen gamely said yes.
I have a history of messing up people's faces when drawing, but these? Oh god. I assure you she looks so much more beautiful than any of these drawing’s suggest. I have not been able to capture Kathleen. As you can see, not for want of trying.
I wonder what it is that allows a drawing to become a likeness. It feels like a magical state that occasionally I almost by accident manage to visit. Rarely with faces.
It's so frustrating to feel locked out. As if a line of communication between my eye and hand turns on and off at will.
One of the reasons for doing a drawing a day this year is to see if I can find a way to visit that state, or to gain more control of it, more often.
Anyway, time zooms on and I must (for today) push on.
Meanwhile, sorry Kathleen xx.
That's the news.