Sketch a day - Day 21/365
I spent the day in Huddersfield at Laurence Batley Theatre, working with Kathleen from Odd Doll and performers - Natalie Bellingham and Freddy Hayes. I mean, what a day. All day I was thinking to myself, people who perform are amazing. So why do performers get looked down upon? How often do we hear the term ‘lovies’. How often is the inference made that performer is another word for narcissist or egotist or both. It's such an incredible thing to be in a room with people who’s skills and craft zing. Ideas are embodied. Played with. Shared. Held. Moved on from. Stories emerge and expand. Textures and styles are tweaked and watched. Shared. Edited. Perfected then onto the next. Bits of paper become costume, puppet, set and then just as quickly are flung to floor and the next idea emerges. This kind of work is only possible because performers are skilled, multi talented, generous and willing to make themselves vulnerable again and again.
During the day, I made lots of live sketches. Messy and so often wrong, but in another way they hold memories of the day in a way a photo can't.
The main thing I want to say is Freddy, Natalie and Kathleen - I salute you. It was magic to be in the room today ❤️