Sketch a day - Day 25/365
Some days it feels like there is no time to draw. Or think, or play with our cat or do fun stuff with our dog. Or to have a cuddle and a laugh. Sometimes it feels like there is no time to do any of the things that matter. But on those days, it's amazing how often I still find I have spent an age scrolling a news site, or have got lost again down a reeling rabbit hole of doom.
It made me think about how often, when I tell myself I don't have time, I am really saying ‘I don't have time to do this ‘properly’.
What does properly even mean. Where does properly end and shoddily begin? Why are we so obsessed with things being proper? I was interested to discover recently that ‘prop’ means ‘clean’ in french. It made me think of the word in a whole new way. It made me consider what a controlling judgemental world ‘properly’ is.
Anyway, today is a day I am embracing doing the things I want to do, even if I only have a little bit of time and must approach them in a slap-dash, shoddy way. Because slap dash is what I could manage today.
Here's a quick sketch of a train seat.
Today is also the day I uninstalled the guardian app from my phone.
But that's another story.
Good evening x